How to get from El Tunco Beach to León Nicaragua?

There are 2 ways to get from El Tunco Beach to Leon city by Standard Shared Minivan with 2 local shuttle operator

Shuttle Bus Tickets Iximche Tour Operator

Shared Shuttle by Iximche

Pick up: Papaya Lodge hotel Tunco Dowtown, Kilometro 42, carretera a litoral. Playa, El Salvador
Drop off: Leon City Hotel
Durarion: 11 hrs.

Trip Note: Bus for 14 passengers.

1 times a day
Price From:
US$ 52 P/


Shuttle Bus Tickets Roneey Shuttle Tour Operator

Shared Shuttle by Roneey Shuttle

Pick up: Papaya Lodge hotel Tunco Dowtown, Kilometro 42, carretera a litoral. Playa, El Salvador
Drop off: Leon City Hotel
Durarion: 11 hrs.

Trip Note: Bus for 10 passengers.

1 times a day
Price From:
US$ 54 P/


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